Some banks require a pre-approval letter from a certain lender, so be sure to read guidelines before submitting an offer. All cash offers require proof of funds with the letterhead of where the funds are being held and the buyers name listed. Actual account numbers can be blackened out, as long as buyers name is easily visible.
All offers must be written offers, on an As-Is contract only some banks supply addendums in advance, and if that is the case it will be in the MLS as an attachment and should be signed and dated and submitted along with your offer. In most cases, however, the bank addendums are provided only after buyer and seller come to agreement. At that time, the bank will send their bank addendums/counter offer for buyer's signatures. Please note at this point, the bank has still not signed anything, and most likely will not sign until ALL forms have been signed by the buyer. Your offer is considered a pending contract until it is returned from the bank/seller with their final approval. In the interim, all offers that come in must be presented. When signing and initialing a bank addendum, do not alter it in any way or it will be rejected.
The usual time frame for a response to your offer is 3-5 business days, although sometimes a little sooner and occasionally a bit longer. Allow plenty of time for acceptance, and for closing the deal, 30-45 days in most cases.
If you are requesting seller concessions for buyers closing cots, pre-paids, or repairs, make sure those are requested in the written offer, as adding these things at a later date can be very difficult and most times impossible. For those writing an offer for an FHA or VA purchase, make sure the property will meet the standards for this type of financing.
Once you have a fully executed contract, time is of the essence. (as with any transaction) All inspections must be done within the days according to the contract. Should the buyer not be accepting the conditions, written notice must be obtained prior to end of inspection period along with a signed cancellation and release form. Some banks will make earnest money non-refundable after the end of the inspection period. Foreclosures aren't for everyone, and yet it just may be the house you love.
For assistance, contact:
David Demangos
I go to Extremes to fulfill your Real Estate dreams!
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